Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Yummies

So It's Sunday morning... Where the heck did my Saturday go??  Why does it always pass by and disappear so quickly?  Oh well. I'll try to capture it better next weekend.

I've mentioned before how much I love Krusteaz mixes, right?  Well I will say it again.  I also love the Pumpkin Spice Pancake Mix.   This morning I made Pumpkin Pancakes with Fantabulous Pumpkin Syrup from Boa Vista Orchards, Apple Hill, CA.  I LOVE Apple Hill and stock up like a crazy person of everything Pumpkin when I go there.  This syrup was one of the thing I got.  Along with 5 jars of unsweetened pumpkin butter and some pumpkin mandarin marmalade  (Which is fantastic on pork chops by the way).

I made 3 pancakes this morning and set one aside to take to work tomorrow for breakfast.  So for Breakfast today:
2 Pumpkin Spice Pancakes - 4 PointsPlus
1/2 tbsp Pumpkin Syrup. - 1 PointsPlus

Not a bad Breakfast and so so yummy.

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