Monday, February 3, 2014

My Current Weight Stats.

So I am trying to focus more on where I am at and how far I have come rather than where I started and how I let myself get there in the first place.  So here are my stats...

Highest weight : 220 lbs
Size : 20
WW Starting Weight : 199 lbs
Goal Weight : 135 lbs
Current Weight : 152.6
Size : 6/8
Down : 67.4 lbs (from highest)
Down : 46.4 lbs (From WW Start)
Left to go : 17.6 lbs

I know I've come a long way and I am determined to keep it up.  10.5 months ago I was actually down to 146.6.  So I am not at my lowest right now but I would like to get back there and surpass it soon.

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