About Me

So my name is V and I have been on this weight loss adventure since April 2012. I have been extremely successful this go-around compared to decades of other attempts but this is the first time I have been on Weight Watchers. The BEST decision ever. I love that it's not exactly a diet. More of a way of thinking and and healthy way of eating that I can use for the rest of my life. Also that I don't have to deprive myself of anything. I can eat anything I want I just have to adjust the rest of my day for what I want to splurge on. That makes me really evaluate what I'm eating more to determine if it's actually worth the points. My highest weight was 220 lbs, and yes,  I lost 20 lbs when I quit drinking. After that I struggled for a few years sitting at 200lbs and after every diet fad I found still no success. I started Weight Watchers when I was at 199 lbs and was immediately successful. I lost 40 lbs by mid September that year in time for my vacation to Europe. I went through the holidays and still managed to lose another 10 lbs. Now I am currently trying to lose a few more. So this is my story...  Enjoy it... Follow it... Learn from it... Offer suggestions.   :)
