Sunday, February 2, 2014

Before and After Pics

I am absolutely embarrassed and ashamed to show my before picture but I want to post it with some after pictures so I can see my improvement.  I have been having trouble lately actually seeing the new me.  Every time I look in the mirror lately I have been seeing the old me.  It's killing me.  I know it's normal but I wish I could see the results from all my  hard work instead of this fat girl in the mirror everyday.


My Highest Weight
After: (Before Tummy Tuck)
Christmas 2012.  The first time I saw a picture of myself after my weight loss where I actually saw a different me.

Super Bowl Sunday 2013

After (after Tummy Tuck)

So here you go.  My progress so far.  I still want to lose 20 more lbs so I can be withing the healthy range.  So far so good.


  1. That's awesome! I know its hard not to see the old self but you've done fantastic work! Keep it up! :)

    1. Thank you! This before pic and the others I have in the "Before and After" tab make me want to puke when I see them. Ugh.
