Saturday, February 22, 2014

Recipe - Potato Pancake Disaster Turns To New Mush Recipe

So I was wanting to try to make some potato pancakes today. I have never made them before but wanted to try a simple WW friendly version.  well.....  That didn't work out as well as I thought it would.
My recipe started out as this:

I added the garlic, cheese and bacon bits into a bowl while heating up the instant mashed potatoes. 

I then added the potatoes and mixed it all up. 

I scooped a couple tablespoons of potato mix and sprinkled both sides with flour and put in pan sprayed with cooking spray.  

this is where things turned very very wrong.  They browned up quite nicely but were very flimsy and even though they didn't burn the smoke detector started going off.  I don't even think there was that much smoke.  But fan on and windows now open.  I continued cooking these up but  I wasn't even able to flip them.  They were slightly crispy on the outsides but not enough to handle.  So...

I did what I do best.  I improvise and make the best out of a kitchen failure.  I turned it in to my newest "Mush" meal.  :)

I added half the pancake mix to a bowl and cooked up a Schwan's Philly Style Chicken Patty.  Mixed it all up with 2 tablespoons of slight sour cream and 2 tablespoons of salsa.  "Mushed" it all up and enjoyed my lunch.  

Wasn't too bad.  Might try this again...  With out the pancake part.  LOL 

Chicken Salsa Potato Mush
8 PointsPlus

1/2 container instant mashed potatoes
2 tbsp reduced fat shredded cheese
1/2 tbsp real bacon bits
1/2 tbsp minced garlic
1 Schwan's Philly Style Chicken
2 tbsp light sour cream
2 tbsp salsa

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