Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mexican Pizza

Tonight for dinner I decided to try something I remember seeing on Pinterest not long ago. Mexican Pizza. Turned out pretty good. Lower in points plus than I realized though. Normally that's a good thing but I have some catching up to do today.


1 carb balance tortilla
1/4 cup of fat free refried beans
1/3 cup of weight eatchers shredded cheese
2 tbsp enchilada sauce
2 tbsp light sour cream
2 tbsp salsa

7 points plus

I spread beans on tortilla.

Then drizzled enchilada sauce over the beans

I then spread the cheese over the top of everything

Heated the whole thing till cheese melted. (Oven or nuwave oven) 

Cut into wedges and added a dollop of light sour cream and salsa on each quarter. 

Pretty good!! 

Next time I think I'll try bean and cheese tostadas with oven baked corn tortillas.

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