Friday, August 22, 2014

Eat light and cheap at McDonalds

Who doesn't want a light and cheap idea for eating out?  I stumbled across this blog post from Roni's Weigh and love it.  It comes in really handy when you don't have much time and you are in a hurry to pick up something quick.  Check it out.

How to eat light and cheap at McDonalds

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lunch 8/12/14

So I am behaving my self today and stocked up my work fridge with some goodies.  

Today for breakfast I had a hard boiled egg and a banana.

Today at lunch I had a salad with a hard boiled egg and 3 tbsp of fat free blue cheese dressing and a pluot.

Fingers crossed that I can keep this up the rest of the day...  Shoot...  Make that the rest of the week.  LOL

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chicken Fajita Bowl

Ok, so I know I have mentioned how much I love Schwan's and Wildtree SEVERAL times.  well here is another one to add to the list.  Tonight I decided to throw together some stuff I the freezer and came up with this great meal.  Yumz!!!!!!!

Looks like a mess I know but trust me...  It was fantastic!  Here's what's in this messy bowl of deliciousness. I also added some Wildtree Fajita Seasoning to the chicken.  Did I mention YUMZ?!

Not bad for only 4 PointsPlus hah?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lean Cuisine Salad Additions

I have tried many of the Lean Cuisine Salad Additions but I have to say the Cranberry Chicken one is my favorite, though a close second is the Greek Style Salad. I definitely stock up on them both whenever I can. 

Pumpkin Spice Waffles

I was realllly in the mood for waffles today so I thought I would bust out the waffle iron and make my Any-Time-of-Year Favorite.

Pumpkin Spice Waffles 
Made with the Krusteaz Pumpkin Spice Pancake Mix - 1/2 mix is 6 PP

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Canned Lump Crab Pasta Dinner

So a lot of my dinners are throw together what I have in the pantry type meals.  and I have really never been disappointed with what I create.  This dinner was no exception.

One of my favorite staples in the pantry are Canned Lump Crab and Canned Tiny Shrimp.  They work great for quick throw-together pasta dishes, omelettes and scrambled eggs, fried rice, soups or rice dishes. 

2 oz Angel Hair Pasta (dry) 
2 oz Canned Lump Crab
1 1/2 tsp garlic Grapeseed Oil
1 1/2 tsp Wildtree Zesty Lemon Grapeseed Oil
2 tsp of Wildtree Scampi Seasoning.

It turned out pretty fantastic!!  I will definitely be making this again.

I used the remainder of the crab the next morning for some fancy'd up scrambled eggs. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Work Snacks

I try to keep things different and excited when it come to meals and snacks at work.  Sometimes I am successful an sometimes I am not.  I won't lie.  When I do get a hankering for something specific I do tend to ride it out till I am totally sick of it.  LOL  

These are are few of the different options I give myself though to switch things up a bit. 

GoPicnic Red Pepper Hummus and Multigrain Crackers
Not one of my favorites but not bad either.  I added some carrots and it kept me pretty full for a few hours.  

GoPicnic Black Bean Dip and Tortilla Chips

I really enjoy this one.  Lots of flavor and also pretty filling. 

Carrots and Hillshire Buffalo Chicken Slices

This buffalo chicken has a serious kick to it. It's good but be prepared for the spice. 

2 Hard-Boiled Eggs and Apple Slices

HB Eggs and all their yummy protein goodness are ALWAYS a good filling go to. Not to mention, how do you go wrong with apples. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mustard Baked Salmon and Lingonberry Sauce

I was craving salmon last night and was trying to think of a yummy way of making it.  I remembered I had a jar of Lingonberry Sauce I bought from IKEA that I hadn't opened yet.  So I gave this a try:

Dinner - 11 PointsPlus
6 oz Salmon - 8 PP
1 tsp Lemon Grapeseed oil - 1 PP
1 tbsp Dijon Mustard - 0 PP
2 tbsp Lingonberry Sauce - 2 PP

It was amazing!!  I can't wait to make it again.  Sooo yummy! 
* If you don't have Lingonberry sauce or can't get access to it, Cranberry sauce would work as well.

Friday, April 18, 2014

New Jeans/New Milestone

So I am officially SOLIDLY in a size 6 now.  Not only in dresses and slacks but also Jeans.  In fact, some of the Size 6's that I tried on were too big.  Woo Hoo!  Finally!!  I honestly can't remember the last time I was in a size 6.  It was well before high school.  That much I know.

So now here's to pushing for Size 4!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bento Lunch 4-14-14

Lunch:  7 PointsPlus 

GoPicnic Pita Chips and Herb Dip - 6 PP
1 oz Hillshire Sliced Chicken - 1 PP
Carrots - 0 PP

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Yummies - Lemon Pasta with Chicken

Now I know I have mentioned Wildtree before and how much I love them.  They have the best flavored Grapeseed Oils, Best Seasoning and Best Sauces. 
Last week I decided to order a new oil to try out.  Zesty Lemon Grapeseed Oil.  It's FANTASTIC!!!! So much Lemon flavor.  It's great. For Dinner tonight I decided to use it with my pasta.

Dinner - 11 PointsPlus
2 oz high fiber pasta - 5 PP
3 oz chicken breast - 3 PP
2 tsp Wildtree Zesty Lemon Grapeseed Oil - 2 PP
1 tbsp parmesan cheese - 1 PP

All tossed together with some salt and pepper.... YUM!!!!!! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

GoPicnic Snacks

So recently I saw a deal on Groupon for GoPicnic lunch kits.  I bought a few and love them but realized that there is a lot in them that I don't eat because the of the point content.  Then I got an email that they have snack packs.  Which is perfect because I can mix and match however I want to with them.

I ordered 2 packs of 3 different kinds to try out:

They are the perfect size.

Hummus Dip - 5 PointsPlus
Creamy Herb Dip - 6 PointsPlus
Zesty Salsa - 4 PointsPlus

I'm exciting to incorporate these in my lunches now.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Bento Lunch 4-7-14

Breakfast: 2 Points Plus
Light Yoplait Yogurt - 2 PP

Lunch: 6 Points Plus
2 oz Sliced Chicken - 2 PP
Hard-boiled Egg - 2 PP
Carrots - 0 PP
Applesauce - 0 PP
Fiber One Fruit Snacks - 2 PP

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bento Lunch 3-24-14

Lunch : 6 PointsPlus

2 slices Rainbo Multi Grain Bread - 2 PP
2 oz Hillshire Turkey - 1 PP
String Cheese - 1 PP
Fiber One Fruit Snacks - 2 PP
Applesauce - 0 PP

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chicken Fajitas

I couldn't decide which hot sauce so I used one of each. 

I made some yummy Chicken Fajitas tonight for dinner.  They were scrumptious. :)

Dinner : 6 PointsPlus

3 oz Schwan's Fajita Chicken Strips - 3 PP
Wildtree Fajita Seasoning - 0 PP
1/2 cup mixed peppers - 0 PP
2 tbsp Reduced Fat Cheese - 1 PP
2 Carb Balance Wheat Fajita Tortillas - 2 PP
Hot sauce and salsa

Bento Lunch 3-11-14

Lunch : 5 PointsPlus
2 oz Hillshire Farms Chipotle Chicken - 2 PP
1 String Cheese - 1PP
1 Hard-Boiled Egg - 2PP
1 tbsp Arby's Sauce - 0PP
Carrots - 0PP
1/2 Sugar Free Cherry Jello - 0PP

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homemade Arby's

I love Arby's but it is the FURTHEST from a healthy decision.  So what I did tonight was make my own Arby's Dinner.

2 slices of Rainbo 40 cal multi grain bread - 2 PP
1 Slice of Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese - 1 PP
1.5 oz Hillshire Chicken (heated up in microwave for 40 seconds)- 1 PP
1 oz Arby's Sauce - 1 PP
4 oz Frozen Oven Baked Fries - 5 PP
1 oz Ketchup - 1 PP

Total Dinner Points : 11 PointsPlus

This was a FANTASTIC Arby's Substitute!!!

If you haven't seen the bottles of Arby's Sauce in the stores then I suggest ordering some online, such as or  It's fantastic to have in the fridge all the time.

Water, H2O, Agua.. What ever you want to call it, I love it!

So when I first started Weight Watchers, one of the toughest parts what getting my required water in.  I used to be a Coffee and Diet Coke girl and drank them all the time.  Massive amounts of both. Then once I cut out soda all together and drastically cut down on my coffee intake, I found that I just couldn't get enough water.  I loved it and was drinking it all the time.  They say to get 64 oz of water in a day. HA!!!
Well I get that PLUS some!  I have my 16 oz of black coffee every morning still, because you seriously don't want to be around me if I don't get it.  Then I switch to water.  I now drink 80-100 oz of water at work alone.  Then followed by another 40 oz at night after work.
I actually start to freak out if I didn't bring enough refilled bottled waters to work with me each day. Sure I spend a whole lot more time in the bathroom but that doesn't really bother me much anymore either.  I actually enjoy the water now instead of viewing it as a chore to drink. So I went from getting MAYBE 8 oz a day to now getting 120-140 oz a day.  I don't crave soda at all anymore either.  If I go to a restaurant I don't even think about ordering a soda.  I automatically order iced water.  Sometimes I will get an unsweetened fresh brewed iced tea, but that's rare too.  That's when I'm really treating myself.  LOL

Who knew this would ever happen.  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bento Lunch 3-6-14

Lunch: 6 PointsPlus
2 oz Deli Turkey - 2 PP
1 Hardboiled Egg - 2 PP
1 String Cheese - 1 PP
1 oz Arby's Sauce - 1 PP

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thin Mints Are The Devil!

Ok, so Thin Mints are the devil!!!  Seriously.  How is it even possible for you to only eat one serving? It's ridiculous! I opened a box today at work with full intentions of just eating 4 cookies.  Well....  I don't know how it happened but wen I looked down I had an empty sleeve wrapper.  I ate the entire sleeve today.  For those of you wondering, that's 14 cookies.  Ugh.  3.5 servings.  That equaled 15 PointsPlus.  Oops....  So much for a full dinner tonight.  Looks like it's cauliflower for me tonight. LOL

Bento Lunch 3-5-14

Lunch : 5 PointsPlus
Salad - 0 PP
1 Hard Boiled Egg - 2 PP
1 oz Deli Turkey - 1 PP
Fat Free Dressing - 1 PP
String Cheese - 1 PP

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Old El Paso Tortilla Stuffers

These things are AWESOME!!!  I love making dinner with these.  They are super fast and easy.  You just heat in microwave for 60 seconds and stuff it in a tortilla, and it's enough to feed me for a few days.

I have tried them all and they are all equally great.  I recommend them.  They are also low in points which is AWESOME!!!

2/3 cup Tortilla Stuffers - 4 PP (it's 2 servings so each serving is only 2 PP!!! Sweet!)
2 Corn Tortillas - 2 PP
2 tbsp Reduced Fat Cheese - 1 PP
hot sauce - 0 PP

Total of 7 PointsPlus for dinner.  Yum!

Bento Lunch 3-4-14

Lunch: 6 PointsPlus
2 slices of Rainbo Light Multi Grain Bread - 2 PP
1 oz Deli Turkey - 1 PP
1 String Cheese - 1 PP
Fiber One Brownie - 2 PP

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bento Lunch 3-3-14

Lunch :  7 Points Plus
2 oz of Deli Turkey - 2 PP
1 Hard Boiled Egg - 2 PP
1 String Cheese - 1 PP
1/2 cup Sugar Free Jello - 0 PP
Carrots - 0 PP
Apple Slices and Grapes - 0 PP
1 Granola Thin - 2 PP

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Morning Yummies - Bacon Day #2

Ok, so I have REALLY been craving bacon this weekend.  Decided I needed to have some more this morning for breakfast.  

Breakfast: 9 PointsPlus
6 Schwan's Mini Pancakes - 3 PP
1 egg - 2 PP
3 slices of bacon cut in half - 4 PP
1/2 tbsp Sugar Free Syrup - 0 PP

Happy Sunday!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday Morning Yummies

I decided to feed my bacon craving this morning.  I LOVE bacon!!! Who doesn't, really though?  LOL

4 pieces of bacon - 5 PP
1 fried egg - 2 PP

Saturday Morning Breakfast : 7 PointsPlus

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chocolate Peppermint 321 Cake

So, do you remember when I mentioned these yummy limited time only snacks on this post?

Well I have just figured out a great off season substitute!!!  I'm so excited!  They are, of course, WAY more points than the Fiber One Brownies and WAY less fiber but they are great for the craving.

It's a simple 321 cake adjustment.
3 tbsp of chocolate cake mix in a mug
2 tbsp of water
1 tbsp of peppermint baking chips.

Ok, so peppermint baking chips are tough to find in the off season too but you could use chopped up Andes mints as well or some peppermint extract. (I just happened to find some on the clearance table at the grocery store) Mix the cake mix (only) with the water and then add the tbsp of baking chips and microwave for 1 minute.  Voila! It's really good.  Unfortunately it's 6 PointsPlus but that's ok, it's better then a 12 point mint chocolate cupcake.  LOL

I chose German Chocolate Cake because it's less sweet and rich as any other chocolate cakes. I'm not a huge fan of rich and sweet.  But I love a touch of it.

Bumble Bee Tilapia Fillets with Mango Chutney Sauce

So I found something new at the grocery store tonight.  Had to give it a try.

Only 4 PointsPlus per serving with 2 servings per package.  I served one servings worth over a half a cup of brown rice (3 PP) for this dinner Yummies.  It was actually quite good.  Lots of flavor.  I recommend giving it a try.

I packed the other half with another 1/2 cup of brown rice for lunch tomorrow.  I'll be buying more of this.  They also had a teriyaki and a curry one.