Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mustard Baked Salmon and Lingonberry Sauce

I was craving salmon last night and was trying to think of a yummy way of making it.  I remembered I had a jar of Lingonberry Sauce I bought from IKEA that I hadn't opened yet.  So I gave this a try:

Dinner - 11 PointsPlus
6 oz Salmon - 8 PP
1 tsp Lemon Grapeseed oil - 1 PP
1 tbsp Dijon Mustard - 0 PP
2 tbsp Lingonberry Sauce - 2 PP

It was amazing!!  I can't wait to make it again.  Sooo yummy! 
* If you don't have Lingonberry sauce or can't get access to it, Cranberry sauce would work as well.

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