Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Canned Lump Crab Pasta Dinner

So a lot of my dinners are throw together what I have in the pantry type meals.  and I have really never been disappointed with what I create.  This dinner was no exception.

One of my favorite staples in the pantry are Canned Lump Crab and Canned Tiny Shrimp.  They work great for quick throw-together pasta dishes, omelettes and scrambled eggs, fried rice, soups or rice dishes. 

2 oz Angel Hair Pasta (dry) 
2 oz Canned Lump Crab
1 1/2 tsp garlic Grapeseed Oil
1 1/2 tsp Wildtree Zesty Lemon Grapeseed Oil
2 tsp of Wildtree Scampi Seasoning.

It turned out pretty fantastic!!  I will definitely be making this again.

I used the remainder of the crab the next morning for some fancy'd up scrambled eggs. 

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