Monday, March 10, 2014

Water, H2O, Agua.. What ever you want to call it, I love it!

So when I first started Weight Watchers, one of the toughest parts what getting my required water in.  I used to be a Coffee and Diet Coke girl and drank them all the time.  Massive amounts of both. Then once I cut out soda all together and drastically cut down on my coffee intake, I found that I just couldn't get enough water.  I loved it and was drinking it all the time.  They say to get 64 oz of water in a day. HA!!!
Well I get that PLUS some!  I have my 16 oz of black coffee every morning still, because you seriously don't want to be around me if I don't get it.  Then I switch to water.  I now drink 80-100 oz of water at work alone.  Then followed by another 40 oz at night after work.
I actually start to freak out if I didn't bring enough refilled bottled waters to work with me each day. Sure I spend a whole lot more time in the bathroom but that doesn't really bother me much anymore either.  I actually enjoy the water now instead of viewing it as a chore to drink. So I went from getting MAYBE 8 oz a day to now getting 120-140 oz a day.  I don't crave soda at all anymore either.  If I go to a restaurant I don't even think about ordering a soda.  I automatically order iced water.  Sometimes I will get an unsweetened fresh brewed iced tea, but that's rare too.  That's when I'm really treating myself.  LOL

Who knew this would ever happen.  

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