Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Work is Tempting Me

So my office and co-workers are trying to make my life so difficult.  Of course this past week would be the time they all decide they are going to bring in a box of donuts one day, homemade cupcakes and frosting another day. Today they have brought in b'day part snacks.  Chips, dip, cake, ice cream, candy, nachos and some more stuff I am not aware of because I refuse to leave my cubicle to go look.  I am sticking to my plan of M picking us up 7 pt sandwiches form Subway.  well 9 points with the Avocado...  Oops.  Then going for a walk around the neighborhood afterwards.   I do have to admit that it is getting much easier ignoring all the devil food they have been bringing in though.  I didn't try to kill anyone like I did the day in my first few days when donuts were brought in.  That was a rough day.....

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