Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love the WW App

So I am noticing the further I get into the WW Program that I am able to eat sooo much more than I have in the past and still lose weight.  Wait a minute.... You can eat AND lose weight??  Who knew!  LOL  Totally new concept for me. I eat a lot more than before and am hungry a lot less.  I think I am starting to get this whole thing figured out. :) Thank goodness too because I am really wanting this to work.  I have been walking a lot with my friend "M" so that is getting me moving and her as well, because we push each other to get off our butts when the other one doesn't want to.

I also have to say I do not know what I would do without this Weight Watchers app on my phone.  It is really a life savor.  No more take a taste or a nibble and figure out what the points are later when I am home. Couldn't be that bad right?  Well now I have no excuses.  I know before I eat it and have noticed that I usually won't eat it at all now.  It's very helpful. :)

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