Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Starting over with a bang!

So I let my self get wayyyyyyyyy to comfortable and now I have some serious damage control to take care of.  So I decided I would jump back on track with the Simply Filling Plan.  I have to tell you.  I am freaking LOVING this!!!  I played around with it, re-adjusting myself, over the past couple of weeks and have been back on seriously since Sunday.  Since Sunday, as of today I am down 5 lbs even.  Talk about dropping some water and weight to get you motivated and inspiring you.  That should keep me going.

So I'm going to be trying out something new.  I will be posting once a week about some random meals I had that week that were simply filling or mostly simply filling.  This should help me keep excited about it like in the past.  My goal is to lose.... well lets just start with my first goal.  My first goal is 20lbs.  Baby steps right?  Hahaha.

We will call these posts "What I Ate".  I've noticed that as long as I am going over the top on this, obsessing and staying crazy excited about it then I keep on track really well and lose weight at a very steady pace.  So I need to do that again.  :)

See you all soon with some Simply Filling Food Porn!  LOL

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