Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tummy Tuck - Pre-Op Appt

So I had my pre-op appt today.  I find it funny that they schedule you a week before surgery for this appt and at that time give you a list of things you needed to stop doing and taking 3 weeks ago.  Good think I hadn't been taking some of these supplements but still.  Geeze.  Y'all could have mentioned that to me when I booked the surgery.  Well I am ready for next week now.  Sooo excited.  I have soo much to do at home still though to get ready and all I have been able to think about are all these projects around the house that I need to get done before I won't be able to bend or lift for a while.  LOL  Not that they are even all that important right now since they have waiting this long already.

Ayway....  off subject.  went in,  got my pre-op before pics taken.  I asked for copies but she said she couldn't get them to me till later and most likely after surgery so I will take some pre-op pics at home to .. eeks!! share on here.  I paid my remaining balance owed for surgery and signed my life away.  Now I am ready to go.  I have my pre-admit appt for labs at the hospital on Tuesday then Thursday is the surgery.  Almost time!!!

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