Friday, February 22, 2013

Tummy Tuck - One day post-op

Well it's one day post op from my tummy tuck now and I have to say that this is pretty excruciating. I'm not enjoying it at all. I am so glad I have been told my many people that the first 3-4 days are complete pain and torture but that after the 4th day I will be feeling a lot better. I again had trouble with the pain management in recover and at home. When I had my breast reduction 12 years ago the morphine wasn't working on me at all and I was screaming in recovery over how my chest felt like it was on fire. Then none of the oral pain meds they gave me worked at all either. I reminded the doc and let the anesthesiologist know so they would try me on something else this time.. So in the hospital they gave me IV dilaudid which did NOT work at all. They maxed me out in recovery omit just as they had done for my reduction. No help. And because of the 3 full doses they gave me my oxygen kept dropping from 100 to 50 and they kept yelling at me to breath because I kept forgetting to breath. And while not being totally with it I just kept saying it was because it was sooo hard that it hurts less if I don't breath. The nurse guy didn't really let me get away with that. Seemed logical to me at the time though. Lol.

Finally I got my breathing under control after they told me if I didn't I would have to spend the night and that would cost me money. Finally got to go home but I will tell you. My ab muscles were in soooo much pain I couldn't stand it. I was a complete mess. Got home to my moms house and was on and off ok. Still lots of pain and although I felt very alert I can't actually remember much now. I found the recliner to be the most comfortable spot most of the afternoon and early eyeing but then agreed to try the bed out. They have me in these long tight stockings that are just cutting into my skin making me extremely uncomfortable even when I'm laying still my my abs aren't hurting.. I want these things of!! I'm supposed to wear them for 3 days though. I can NOT wait to get these things off. Well last night I woke up the first lime at 1 a because I had to pee pretty bad. I kept calling out for my mom and she slept straight through it. Ugh. So I managed to get my self up off the bed along but wanted to cry and scream from the pain of stressing my ab muscles. Finally get myself back in bed and wake up again at 4am. So I call and yell for her a few more times and nothing. I text her hoping that will wake her and nothing. So I painfully get out of bed on my own again to pee. Ouch!!! And unfortunate by the time I get comfortable again I realize I need pain pills and the were in the kitchen on the other side of the house so I was screwed till mom woke up hours later. The pain pills I have are the pill form of the IV drugs they gave me as we'll. the pharmacist, doctor and anesthesiologist all told me these were the best and strongest drugs around. Haha! My butt they are. Maybe to a normal person whose body can actually acknowledge pain meds. To me they were a joke though. Still taking them though cuz it's better than nothing.

Getting in the jeep for the trip to and from post op appt today was absolutely horrible. I was in tears trying to get in the seat both times. I didn't get to see my tummy yet when the nurse checked it out. My mom said she would prefer I wait a couple of days so I didn't see it at its worse stage. But they did tell me how it was concaved and beautiful. So I am pretty pleased about that.

I am nor back to being camped out in the recliner. Much easier to get in and out of instead of trying to turn my body not the side to get in and out of the bed. I plan on chilling here for the next few days till I'm feeling a touch better and ready to go home and be on my own. I ate a full meal today. Two actually. Yesterday I had one cup of applesauce that took me from 3pm to 4 am to finish. And even that was forced. Today my mom managed to get me to eat regular meals. She bought me some smart ones egg mcmuffins so I had one for breakfast. Then for much I had a bowl of soup and for dinner she made me some really light and healthy chicken fajitas and a quarter chip of rice. I am soooo full that these newly tightened ab muscles are feeling even extra tight right now. Weird thing is. There wasn't very much on my plate. Maybe only half a cup worth of chicken and bell peppers. Guess it doesn't take much for me to get fun now ,so that's a good thing.

I am also being watched over by one of my Mom's cat. Her very very skittish cat who is now all of a sudden very trusting an loving. So cute. Well I'm exhausted and soooo. Tired and I lots pain right now so I'll be signing off for the night. If I can and am feeling p to it I will write more tomorrow. Good night everyone.

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