Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tummy Tuck!

Ok, so for almost a year now I have been on Weight Watchers.  I have lost 50 lbs since the beginning of 2012.  I am extremely proud of myself although I have to say.  I don't  really see the difference in myself as much as everyone else does.  I still think of myself as the old me so it's awkward to get all of the compliments and be able to fit in smaller clothes.  But I am happy none the less.  :)  

Well as a reward to myself I have decided to finally go through with what I have been working so hard for and what I have wanted for a very very long time.  I am going to schedule a Tummy Tuck!  Yes.  Finally gonna do it.  Since, although, I have lost 50 lbs this past year.  I will be honest and tell you that since I quit drinking in 2008, I have actually lost a total of 70 lbs.  So that leaves a lot of not so attractive skin.  I am excited to finally feel good about myself for the first time in.... Oh I don't know how long... LOL

I have been researching like a crazy person online for EVERY ONE'S experiences during their tummy tucks and recovery's.  I am so exited and nervous at the same time.

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