Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sick leave has been approved.

So I have gotten the sick leave approved from work now.  I will be off for 2 weeks and go back to work on the 11th of March.  I will be staying with my mom the first 3 days so she can care for me 04/7 those first days then I'm heading home to be on my own.  My BFF will take a couple of days off to help me out when I get home but after that it's all me.  I think I will be fine though.  Once I am past the beginning I should be able to get around ok and if I need anything brought to me then I have a couple of people I can call.  I am getting excited.  Gonna start picking up some thing on my list for my recovery time at home.   I've done a lot of research online about what things to have readily available.  So I will soon post the list I have made.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Change of date

Ok. so my Dr's office called today to reschedule my surgery.  At first I was scared, thinking, "how much longer are you gonna make we wait??"  but it turns out that it is now going to be a day earlier. It turns out that Dr. Dahan has a conference in Miami that weekend so he needs to leave on Friday and won't be able to do surgeries that day.  So I am now booked for February 21, 2013 at 830am.  This of course means I (and my mother) need to be at the hospital at 630am.  That's ok.  Could be worse.  Could be 5am.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Surgery is Scheduled!

Ok, so I called the office today and paid the deposit and booked my surgery.  It is February 22, 2013 @ 3:30pm.  Oh my goodness!!!  It's really real now!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Consultation with Dr. Dahan

12 years ago I met with Dr. Dahan for a breast reduction.  Although the surgery and recovery were not my fondest memories, the aftermath most certainly was.  Dr Dahan became my life time hero and I have thought so highly of him ever since.  The breast reduction was the best decision I ever made next to the Plastic Surgeon I chose.  Dr Dahan was the nicest and most compassionate doctor I had ever met.  I feel he did the most beautiful job and I have referred dozens of friends and family to him over the years.  Every one of them who have had surgery performed by him have come back with glowing reviews of his work and him as a person.  I went back to him for a scar revision seven years later which he did for me pretty much right then and there.  He remembered me and my mother very well as soon as he saw me sitting in his waiting room.

My mother also had a breast reduction along with a tummy tuck by him just after I had my surgery.  At that time I was impressed and touched that he remembered me so well after all of that time.  I know I waited a long time for the scars to be fixed but hey, life kind of gets away from you sometimes.

Well Today I went in to see him again.  This time it is for a tummy tuck.  I have been wanting this for a long, long time.  I lost a substantial amount of weight over the past few years and have a lot of lose and sagging skin that will not tighten up again.  Too much yo-yoing I guess.  So as I was sitting in his lobby waiting on his assistant to call me in for my consultation appointment, he came walking by me and at first glance recognized me again.  Even at 70 lbs lighter.  He came over and chatted with me for a while while I waited.  We caught up on life and he asked how my mom and I were both doing.  He even remembered the last time I was in for my scars.  WOW! My consultation was with his assistant because consultations with her were of no charge but with him were $60.  So I opted for her when I made the appointment.  Well as it turns out she was running pretty behind so he came back out with his laptop and called me in to a meeting room to do my consultation himself since I have such a long history with him and am most comfortable with him.

We discussed many procedures I was interested in and showed me what he would be able to do.  Afterwards he set me up in his assistants office to go over prices and options and made sure to tell her to take very good care of me.

After going over many options on procedures and combinations of procedures I took my quotes and went home to hash them over.  Although I would love to get them all done, financially it just wasn't an option, so I stuck with my main concern. The tummy tuck.  I called my mom to discuss them with her and to go over the best time for the surgery.  I needed to make sure it fit in with her schedule as well since she would pretty much be caring for me 24/7 for the first 3-4 days.

Looks like I am finally getting my beautiful flat tummy.  After all of the hard work I have done I am so happy and excited that this dream is withing an arms reach now.  I just have to call next week to book a date and pay my deposit. YAY!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tummy Tuck!

Ok, so for almost a year now I have been on Weight Watchers.  I have lost 50 lbs since the beginning of 2012.  I am extremely proud of myself although I have to say.  I don't  really see the difference in myself as much as everyone else does.  I still think of myself as the old me so it's awkward to get all of the compliments and be able to fit in smaller clothes.  But I am happy none the less.  :)  

Well as a reward to myself I have decided to finally go through with what I have been working so hard for and what I have wanted for a very very long time.  I am going to schedule a Tummy Tuck!  Yes.  Finally gonna do it.  Since, although, I have lost 50 lbs this past year.  I will be honest and tell you that since I quit drinking in 2008, I have actually lost a total of 70 lbs.  So that leaves a lot of not so attractive skin.  I am excited to finally feel good about myself for the first time in.... Oh I don't know how long... LOL

I have been researching like a crazy person online for EVERY ONE'S experiences during their tummy tucks and recovery's.  I am so exited and nervous at the same time.