Monday, July 3, 2017

40by40 progress and CoolScuptling

So so far I am down 7.6 lbs from my 40by40 goal.  So far so good for 7 weeks. I'm prepping my lunches and dinners pretty religiously and I'm obsessing just enough to stick t it.  So that's good I guess.

Also..  new news.  I decided last minute to spend a lot of money on CoolSculpting.  I needed my bra rolls and my upper flanks to disappear badly.  Nothing I did seemed to be able to handle those areas. Including a massive amount of time on my rowing machine.  So this should help me feel a little better.

Well day one was interesting.  The process was not what I would say is painful, it was more uncomfortable.  This applicator thing attaches to your body but extreme massive suction and then the temperature drops to -11 degrees to freeze and kill those fat cells that it sucked into the applicator.  that was interesting.  it was a little stingy at first till the cold finally numbed everything.  but when the 35 mins was over and the suction had to be released, that's when everything changed.  The tissue was like a frozen brick of tissue that was now just exposed to the warm air so it felt a lot like when you have frozen feet and you step into a hot shower.  painful! but what was really uncomfortable was the solid 2 minute massage the nurse does on the area immediately after suction is released.  not a relaxing massage at all.  quite uncomfortable that you are watching the clock and counting down those 120 seconds to be over.   Once that was done for the 5 areas i had done I wasn't feeling all that bad except the areas done still felt pretty hard and solid but I knew when they defrosted they would calm down and then most likely swell.  They gave me an abdominal binder to wear for comfort the first day if needed.

From here I went home to shower off the sticky mess they use for the applicator to protect your skin and change my clothes to head out camping for the weekend.  By the evening I was feeling REALLY bruised and really sore.  it hurt to be touched by anything.  the car, the side of the camper well when I Was trying to change my clothes and I'm too klutzy to not bump into everything.  and the off roading adventures all weekend to get to and from the lake were a bit challenging.  THANK GOD for the binder.  It really helped.

It wasn't a stop everything and stay in bed kind of pain.  I continues and was able to continue the weekend as if nothing as wrong, it was just very painful like i was covered in bruises from being in a boxing match or something.

By the time I was home Sunday night I was pretty sore.  I pulled out my abdominal binder from my tunny tuck days and used that as well to be able to cover the entire area that was done with the Coolsculpting.  That made laying down and sleeping more comfortable. So I am on day 4 now and hear that by day 10 I should be feeling normal again.

Results won't start being visible till about 4 weeks so I have a long way to go before I see the benefits from the money and pain i've put in to this so far.  Based on reviews and before and after pics that I've seen I should be pretty happy and pleased with the final results that could take up to 4 months to continue to see.  Fingers Crossed!!  I will keep you all updated.