Friday, June 23, 2017

40 By 40

Goals... That's the best way for us to follow through with anything right.  Setting goals for ourselves so we ca turn it into a challenge against ourself?  For anyone who is of a competitive nature, you would understand this well.

Well I need to really be serious about the weight I have gained in the past 6 months as well and lose a bit more.  Soooo.  This is my goal for myself.  On May 16, 12017 I set a goal of losing 40 lbs by my 40th birthday.  That would be about 7 months time and I think that would be definitely doable if I stick to it and stay strict on myself.

So here are some picture I took on 5/16/17:

As of today I am officially 7.4 lbs down and closer to my goal.  So 32.6 left to go.

These are pictures taken over this past week:

I've got some more work to do in my waste, back and arms.  There will always be work that needs to be done in my bitt and thighs so that will just be forever a challenge.

For today I will focus on the fact that I am -7.4 from May 16, 2017.
