Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pictures are great motivators. :-/

Nothing motivates you like seeing a recent picture taken of you.

I have been doing so well. Lost 20 lbs, been working out, fitting into cuter clothes and was feeling pretty good about myself. Until my friends came to town and I saw a picture posted on Facebook that was taken of me during their visit last week. I was almost in tears. I hate pictures of myself. Why do I look so different in pictures than I do in the mirror? WHY?

Monday, June 25, 2012

First Goal Reached!!!!!!!!

I did it! Over the weekend when I had my weight in I saw I reached my first goal. Finally I broke 20 lbs. I am at 20.8 lb loss right now and I am soooo excited about it! The past 2 weeks have been going so slow. Both weeks had only been a 0.8 lb loss so to have finally pushed through it and broke past it made so giddy I was jumping up and down all around the house. YAY!!! Now time to keep on trucking!! :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Acknowledged by others

Today is the first day someone has finally noticed and said something to be about my weight loss. I am in week 7 and down 18.6 pounds and today it is finally noticeable. That was wonderful to hear today and made me feel like there is actually a difference being made. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be lookin the same to everyone forever. Because serisouly.... 18.6 pounds to me should be a noticable difference so I was getting a bit discouraged. Today is a good day.