Monday, April 30, 2012

My Journey Begins

Well I did it.  Finally.  I made the decision to join weight Watchers.  I have been himming and hawing for the past 10 years on and off to join.  I was always trying to find cheaper way to do it and it would never last because keeping track of things on my own got to be difficult and too easy to cheat.  Then I would fluctuate in my weight and think "Oh I don't need it" and gain again and realize I did.  So now!  For 1 week I have been an official member of Weight Watchers Online.  My first week I even lost 5 pounds.  I was so excited. 

This didn't start off exciting though.  It started off with me not realizing the pounds creeping back up on me.  Not realizing just how many Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs I have been eating lately till None of my clothes were fitting.  So I finally decide to sign up.  and not having a scale anywhere near by at first I just guessed at what my weight was probably at.  I even thought I would over estimate a little to play it safe till I got on a scale.  Ummmmm.   So I was almost in tears the next morning when I weighed myself and saw that I was actually 5 lbs MORE than my "over estimated guess".  Ugh.  I really did need this program.  So first week I got myself familiar with the points and the program and lost 5 lbs!  Woot Woot!

Pretty good start to get me motivated.  I know the rest of the weeks won't be like this and that this was mostly from my coming off my period and water weight but it was a good push for me. I'm happy with it. :)