Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tummy Tuck - Pre-Admit / Lab Work Appt

Today I had my appt at the hospital to do all my registration and blood work for my surgery on Thursday.  Oh my goodness! It is getting so close.I almost have everything I need ready at home.  I got a plastic chair for my shower so I can shower sitting down.  I have a small plastic shelving unit for beside my bed to put helpful items on such as:
my meds
lots of bottled water
hand sanitizer
medicine cabinet items
and anything else I can think of to help me out while I am in bed.

I have my sheets washed and some bed liners ready in case my incisions leak.  I spend several days making crock pot meals and portioned them out and froze them so I would have plenty of homemade freezer meals ready instead of the high sodium versions from the store.  I bought some extra water flavoring for the tons of water I need to be drinking to keep form swelling up too much.  I have lots of sweats and comfy clothes ready to wear and change into.  My mom will be driving me to and from the hospital and will be taking me back to her house to recover for the first few days.  after about 3-4 days She will bring me home to be pretty much on my own.  I have a small group of friends who have offered to help me and come by or bring me things if I need them.  So that will be a large help.  Other than that I have my bedroom set up with lots of movies and with Netflix so I will be comfortable and entertained.  I also have my iPad, my laptop and my kindle.    I am hoping after the first complete week I will be feeling well enough to go back to some normal things around the house and hopefully be able to walk around the block.  or at least tot he end of the street and back.  I would really like to get back to my walking as quick as possible after the surgery.  So As I think I may have mentioned before I did take some before pics.  I need to crop them still and get those posted but there is a pretty good possibility that those won't get posted till after surgery.  Sorry.  But I will have some progress pics taken too so we will be able to watch the transformation during recovery.

talk to y'all soon.  Have a great day and wish me luck on being able to fall asleep tonight. LOL

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