Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tummy Tuck - Night Before Surgery

Well....  This is it.  It's the night before surgery and I can officially say I have moved past being excited to being really freaking nervous!!  I have been running all around the house trying to get everything set up for when I get back home for recovery.  I am also trying to get my bag packed for the next few days at my mom's house.  I have a couple of jammie bottoms,  a couple of tops,  medications, tooth brush. deodorant, and hair ties.  I think I am good.  Everything else my mom should have there for me.  Ok.  I am finishing my dinner which is a yummy salad and some whole wheat chicken nuggets, with some water and some new Orange Crush Water flavor enhancer.

So, real quick I just need to tell you that I went to the store last night to pick up some last minute stuff (like a 2 week supply of cat food and cat litter for my munchkins) and I saw that EVERYONE seems to be jumping on this water flavoring band wagon.

Goodness!  There is not only Mio and generic Mio now but also crystal light, dasani water brand, koolaid and crush orange and grape soda flavor (without the carbonation)  and all of these are sugar free.  I grabbed the orange crush and gave it a try and I am super impressed.  IT is some good stuff. 

I am just waiting now on a friend to come pick me up and give me a ride to my mom's house so I don't have to leave my car there even after I get home till I am cleared to drive.  Once I get to her house I need to try to go straight to bed so I can be up at 530 in the morning to shower and be ready to leave by 6am.  Check in time is 630am and surgery time is 8am.  So here we goooooo.  This time tomorrow I will have a flat (yet swollen) tummy with no more flabby saggy lose skin and rolls.  Yay!!  But it's also pretty likely that I will also be very unconscious too.  LOL  Well Good night everyone.  When I wake up  will get to see my personal hero, Dr. Phillip Dahan and he will work his magic on me.

Talk to y'all later!

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