Thursday, June 2, 2016

I'm Back and I'm Strong!


So we all have a flexibility limit after weight loss right?  Is it just me?  Well mine was I allowed myself to fluctuate between 5-10 lbs before really stressing, But I put an "OH SHIT" limit at 20 lbs.  I refused to ever allow myself to reach a 20 lb gain from my lowest weight again. That was where I drew the line.  well unfortunately I hit that 20 lb gain mark 2 weeks ago.  I went in to serious panic mode!!! Which by the way is also serious motivation mode!

So I jumped back in the healthy eating lifestyle pool with both feet!  I am happy to say that taking my life seriously again has so far resulted in a 7.4 lb loss.  I'm not done!  I plan to lose the whole 20 I gained plus a little more.  how much more?  I don't know that yet.  One step at a time, but definitely the 20 lbs first.

So here is to me taking my life back again and learning to be strong again.  Time to hit the enter button on a healthy life!


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