Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vacation Goal

Ok.  I am leaving for vacation to Europe in a couple of weeks and I have a goal weight I would like to be at before I leave.  Since we ALL know that the whole program will be out the window while gone.  I will be trying all of the foods for the countries I am in.

Well My goal weight for before I leave is 160.0.  Well as of today I am at 165.0.  I have 5 lbs to go before I leave on 9/17/12.  I know that is a bit more than I should be losing in that short about of time so lets hope I can get close to it. :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bento Lunch 8-17-12

Today's lunch is an PB2 and SF Jam sandwich on light bread. OMG so yummy!!!
Baby carrot sticks, Apple Slices and one of my homemade Pumpkin Spice Cake Muffins.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Bento Lunch 8-13-12

Today's Bento lunch is:

Turkey and colby cheese sandwich on light wheat bread with nustard and lettuce.

Apple slices, baby carrots sticks and reduced fat wheat thins and a white cheddar WW cheese spread.

Pretty Yummy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life Saving Seasoning

I have to tell you that seasonings can make or break you. Most definitely. But the one that has really saved my life and made it really possible for me to stay on program.... Bacon Salt! Yes. That's right. a salt that tastes like bacon. It is fantastic on salads, in eggs, and my favorite... on my evening broccoli, because lets be honest, you can only handle brocolli for with dinner everynight for so long before you just can't take it anymore. A dash of bacon salt makes it a new tasty and exciting meal. Love this stuff!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

New Milestone!

I reached my 25 lb milestone today.. YAY!!!!!!

That is all....



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My 4th of July Dinner

So I was quite proud of myself and my 4th of July Dinner. It was quite yummy.

Turkey Burger and oven backed fries. For dessert I made a Red, White and Blue Strawberry Shortcake with Fat Free Reddi Whip. YUM!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bento Lunch 7-2-12

I just felt like sharing my packed lunch for work. I have a turkey and reduced fat provolone cheese sandwich, blackberries and rasberries, and some veggies and ranch dip made from greek yogurt. Yum!

My breakfast was some fat free yogurt with 1/4 cup of granola and an apple.

This is pretty much my breakfast and lunch everyday. The weird part is.... It is always surprisingly very filling.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pictures are great motivators. :-/

Nothing motivates you like seeing a recent picture taken of you.

I have been doing so well. Lost 20 lbs, been working out, fitting into cuter clothes and was feeling pretty good about myself. Until my friends came to town and I saw a picture posted on Facebook that was taken of me during their visit last week. I was almost in tears. I hate pictures of myself. Why do I look so different in pictures than I do in the mirror? WHY?

Monday, June 25, 2012

First Goal Reached!!!!!!!!

I did it! Over the weekend when I had my weight in I saw I reached my first goal. Finally I broke 20 lbs. I am at 20.8 lb loss right now and I am soooo excited about it! The past 2 weeks have been going so slow. Both weeks had only been a 0.8 lb loss so to have finally pushed through it and broke past it made so giddy I was jumping up and down all around the house. YAY!!! Now time to keep on trucking!! :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Acknowledged by others

Today is the first day someone has finally noticed and said something to be about my weight loss. I am in week 7 and down 18.6 pounds and today it is finally noticeable. That was wonderful to hear today and made me feel like there is actually a difference being made. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be lookin the same to everyone forever. Because serisouly.... 18.6 pounds to me should be a noticable difference so I was getting a bit discouraged. Today is a good day.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Scale

So I bought a new scale last Saturday so I would have it in time for my Sunday weigh in.  So... I have decided I hate new scales.  This is one of those super duper ones.  checks my water  percentage, BMI, Bone mass, Body Fat and everything.  But it just showed me how bad my old scale was because it said i was a good 4 lbs heavier than my old scale did.  So that was depressing.  Now I feel like I am starting all over again with my weight tracking.  Ugh!  :(

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I am into my 3rd week now on the Weight Watchers Online program. I am amazed at how much I am eating and still losing weight. It astounds me. Not to mention I am eating all the time now.  I do find that eating so regularly makes me very hungry very fast.  And a strange thing I have noticed...

Eating apples makes me hungrier.  I don't get it.  If I am slightly hungry and eat an apple to quench the hunger I find myself STARVING immediately after.  Only now my stomach is growling loudly and burning.  Why does this happen?  I did some online research and found that I am not the only one with this issue so that makes me feel a little but better.  So note to self.  If I am hungry and want a snack either stay away from the apples or include some peanut butter or cheese with it or I will keep the apples to accompany my main meals.

I'm sure there will be a lot of little tweaks I will need to learn and adjust to as this journey continue.  So far I am enjoying it though. :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My high point dinner

Well I had my 2nd weigh in today and yet I did lose (2 pounds) I know I could have been better. You see I was taking my mom out to see the Michael Jackson Tribute Show "Man in the Mirror" last night and we went to the steak house for dinner. I knew we were going to so I was careful all week to not use up my weekly allowance points. So with my 6 ox filet mignon, 4 oz lobster tail, baked potato and salad bar I reached 48 points for dinner. and of course my 6 points for lunch and breakfast earlier in the day for a total of 54 points last night. I had weighed myself yesterday morning and saw i was 3 pounds down for the week and ended up gaining 1 of those pounds back after last night. It was a great dinner and I saved for it, but I am kind of beating myself up for it today with only a 2 pound loss for the week. I guess I should be very happy with the 2 pounds especially since I was very careful all week with points especially for that dinner. Well back on track today. Gotta be good this week to make up for that dinner.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Work is Tempting Me

So my office and co-workers are trying to make my life so difficult.  Of course this past week would be the time they all decide they are going to bring in a box of donuts one day, homemade cupcakes and frosting another day. Today they have brought in b'day part snacks.  Chips, dip, cake, ice cream, candy, nachos and some more stuff I am not aware of because I refuse to leave my cubicle to go look.  I am sticking to my plan of M picking us up 7 pt sandwiches form Subway.  well 9 points with the Avocado...  Oops.  Then going for a walk around the neighborhood afterwards.   I do have to admit that it is getting much easier ignoring all the devil food they have been bringing in though.  I didn't try to kill anyone like I did the day in my first few days when donuts were brought in.  That was a rough day.....

Love the WW App

So I am noticing the further I get into the WW Program that I am able to eat sooo much more than I have in the past and still lose weight.  Wait a minute.... You can eat AND lose weight??  Who knew!  LOL  Totally new concept for me. I eat a lot more than before and am hungry a lot less.  I think I am starting to get this whole thing figured out. :) Thank goodness too because I am really wanting this to work.  I have been walking a lot with my friend "M" so that is getting me moving and her as well, because we push each other to get off our butts when the other one doesn't want to.

I also have to say I do not know what I would do without this Weight Watchers app on my phone.  It is really a life savor.  No more take a taste or a nibble and figure out what the points are later when I am home. Couldn't be that bad right?  Well now I have no excuses.  I know before I eat it and have noticed that I usually won't eat it at all now.  It's very helpful. :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Journey Begins

Well I did it.  Finally.  I made the decision to join weight Watchers.  I have been himming and hawing for the past 10 years on and off to join.  I was always trying to find cheaper way to do it and it would never last because keeping track of things on my own got to be difficult and too easy to cheat.  Then I would fluctuate in my weight and think "Oh I don't need it" and gain again and realize I did.  So now!  For 1 week I have been an official member of Weight Watchers Online.  My first week I even lost 5 pounds.  I was so excited. 

This didn't start off exciting though.  It started off with me not realizing the pounds creeping back up on me.  Not realizing just how many Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs I have been eating lately till None of my clothes were fitting.  So I finally decide to sign up.  and not having a scale anywhere near by at first I just guessed at what my weight was probably at.  I even thought I would over estimate a little to play it safe till I got on a scale.  Ummmmm.   So I was almost in tears the next morning when I weighed myself and saw that I was actually 5 lbs MORE than my "over estimated guess".  Ugh.  I really did need this program.  So first week I got myself familiar with the points and the program and lost 5 lbs!  Woot Woot!

Pretty good start to get me motivated.  I know the rest of the weeks won't be like this and that this was mostly from my coming off my period and water weight but it was a good push for me. I'm happy with it. :)