Friday, May 17, 2013

Back in Serious Weight Watchers Mode

Ok so I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I was up about 6 lbs from my low mark and my BFF and I are planning a long weekend road trip on June 21st tot he coast of Oregon and I know we will be taking a bunch of pics and stuff so I decided I need to set myself a new goal.  Mainly because the last time I did so well on the program was because I set my self a strict goat to reach before my trip to Europe in September and I was determined to make it.  I actually did pretty well too, I was only 0.4 lbs away from the Goal I had set. Woo Hoo!  So I am doing that again.  I set a goal to lose 10 lbs from 5/8/13 to 6/21/13.  So far I am 4lbs down.  So if I keep it up I should be golden.

My mid morning snack today was 2 oz of Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Turkey and mustard, Low Fat String cheese and 1/2 oz of fat free pringles.

Oh and last night's dinner was something I saw on a blog or the Weight Watchers Recipe app. (Can't exactly remember where from)

Smoked Turkey Quesadilla, flour tortilla, shredded low fat cheese, sliced smoked turkey, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, chipped red onions and a side of BBQ sauce for dipping.  So So Good!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Weight Watchers Smoothie Pancakes

This is close to the same recipe I have used.  a little different.  may give it a try.  You never know.  They may turn out even better.  :)

Timing is Everything!--Confessions of a middle-aged, empty-nest blogger.: Recipe Time-Weight Watchers Pancakes: As I mentioned in my first post, I am (shhhhh) overweight.  I am trying to correct that and have lost 42.2 pounds so far this year.  (A gr...