Sunday, February 25, 2018

My First 2 Egg Fast Attempts - Breaking through this stall

3 Day Egg Fast

So I have hit a stall on my Keto journey so I decided to give the Egg Fast a try.  I did some research online and had tried the Intermittent Fasting (IF) for a while and it worked a little but but not by much. usually only about half a pound over a week.  Looked into the Fat Fast but saw some rave reviews over the Egg Fast so I decided I would try for a 3 day Egg Fast over my 3 days weekend.

Here were the instructions I am following and lets be honest.  For someone who loves eggs and butter and cheese..  How could this be bad???

I went shopping to stick up on eggs and cheese.  I was already stocked up on Kerrygold Butter o I was good there.

I started checking out people's Egg Fast Instagram posts and their results.  I was amazed at the results that people were getting but I had to be honest and think this wasn't possible.  IT went against everything in nutritional science that I have ever known. But hey,  I said the same thing about Keto so what the heck! Clearly I have a lot more learning to do.

Day 1:

Bullet proof coffee - 1.5 Fat
2 fried eggs cooked in butter - 2 eggs, .5 fat
1 piece of cheddar cheese - 1 cheese

2 fried hardboiled eggs in butter with mayo/mustard sauce - 2 eggs, 2 fat
1 piece of cheddar cheese - 1 cheese

2 fried eggs in butter and parmesan crisps - 2 eggs, 1 fat, 1.5 cheese

Gave Zevia a try for the first time.  Not exactly sure what I think of it.  I think it's an acquired taste.
I made some fat bombs with butter and Torani Sugar Free Peppermint Syrup.  1 tbsp each.  - 1 fat each

Total : 6 eggs, 6 fat, 3.5 cheese

Day 2:
Weigh in:  Down 1.8 lbs

Bulletproof coffee - 2 fat
2 egg omelette with cream cheese, shredded cheese and butter with some green tobasco. - 2 eggs,  1 fat, 1.5 cheese

2 fried eggs in butter with melted cheese 2 eggs, 1 fat, 1.5 cheese
mozzarella cheese snack - 1 cheese

3 fried eggs with butter and swiss cheese and tobasco sauce - 3 eggs, 1 fat, 1 cheese
peppermind butter bomb - 1 fat

Total : 7 eggs, 6 fat (oops), 5 cheese

Day 3:
Weigh in: Down 1.6 lbs

Bulletproof coffee - 2.5 fat
2 eggs, swiss cheese and butter - 2 eggs, 1.5 fat, 1.5 cheese

4 eggs,  mozzarella cheese and butter - 4 eggs, 2 cheese and 2 fat

Total : 6 eggs, 6 fat, 3.5 cheese

Final total weigh in on Day 4 morning: Down 4.2

So 4.2 lb lost in 3 days is pretty successful in my book.  This thing really works.  I really had my doubts.  The problem is...  Keeping that weight off.  I didn't know about the correct way to transition back to Keto so I went straight back to Keto thinking that's all I needed to do.  I gained 3 of those lbs back and hit a new stall.  So I knew I had a long holiday weekend coming up in 2 weeks so I decided I would try this again.

5 Day Egg Fast + 5 Day Transition

This time I will transition for the correct amount of time and the correct way afterwards.  The first two days of the transition will be Egg Fast breakfast, snack and lunch with a lean protein added in for dinner. then the remainder of days to equal the amount of days I was on the fast will be an egg fast breakfast and snack with lunch and dinner being light lean protein, no more than 1/2 cup of veggies and healthy fats.

I even started early on Thursday while at work.  That was a lot easier than I thought it would be too.  Good to know for future egg fasts.

Day 1:
Weigh in: 155.2

Bulletproof coffee - 2 fat

2 hardboiled eggs and 1 oz cheese

2 hardboiled eggs, 1tbsp butter, 1 oz cheese

2 eggs, 1 oz of swiss cheese, 1 string cheese, 1tbsp butter
cinnamon/sugar butter (2 tbsp butter mixed with dash of cinnamon and .5 tsp powdered swerve)

Total: 6 eggs, 6 fat, 4 cheese

Day 2:
Weight in:153.6  Down 1.6 lbs

Bulletproof coffee - 2 fat

2 HB eggs warmed in microwave with 1 tbsp butter then splashed with Pink Himalayan Salt and lemon juice.  1 oz cheese

1 oz string cheese

Egg Fast Pancakes (2eggs, 1oz cream cheese, 1tbsp butter, cinnamon, swerve and vanilla)

1 egg, 1tbsp butter cooked on top of melted crisped 1oz mozzarella cheese. (accidentally burned the cheese... oops)
1 mascarpone hazelnut cheesecake (1 egg, 1.5 cheese)

Total: 6 eggs, 5 fat ( oops, I have got to get better about this) 5.5 cheese

Day 3:
Weight in: 153.0  Down 0.6 lb
(this is why I have to make sure to get all my fats in)

Bulletproof Coffee - 3 fats

3 eggs, 1.5 butter, 2 cheese

Deviled eggs - 2 eggs, 0.5 fat, 1 oz cheese

Mascarpone Cheesecake with Cinnamon Butter frosting - 1 egg, 1.5 cheese, 1 fat

Total: 6 eggs, 6.5 fat, 4.5 cheese

Day 4:
Weigh in: 152.6  Down 0.6 lb

Bulletproof Coffee - 3 fat
Fried Eggs - 2 eggs, 0.5 fat, 1 cheese

Egg Salad - 2 eggs, 0.5 tbsp mayo, 0.5 oz shredded cheddar cheese

EF Waffles, (one with butter and SF syrup and one as grilled cheese sandwich) 2 eggs, 2 fat, 3 cheese

Total: 6 eggs, 6 fat, 4.5 cheese

Day 5:
Weigh in: 151.8  Down 0.8 lb

It's going much slower this time around.  But it's still better than not seeing the scale budge for weeks.  The important part is keeping this off through and after transition which will make this slower loss more successful then the earlier quicker loss.

Bulletproof coffee - 2 fat

1 waffle with cinnamon butter - 1 egg, 1 fat, 1 cheese
1 scrambled egg cooked in butter - 1 egg, 1 fat

1 waffle with cinnamon butter - 1 egg, 1 fat, 1 cheese
Scrambled eggs - 4 eggs, 1 fat
Cheese - 2 cheese
Fat bomb - 1 fat

Total:  7 eggs,   7 fat,  4 cheese

Day 6 Transition:
Weigh in: 152.0  Up 0.2  (I went up!?!?!?!)

Bullet Proof Coffee - 2 fat

2 eggs, 1 fat, 1 cheese

2 eggs, 1 cheese, 1 fat (fat bomb)

4 oz chicken, 1/2 avocado,

Day 7 Transition:
Weigh in: 151.4 Down 0.6 lb and fit into a size 6!!!!

Bulletproof Coffee plus Collagen Peptides and raw cocao butter - 3 fat

2 eggs, 1 fat (fat bomb) in hot tea

2 eggs, 1 cheese plus half an avocado my boss gave me (2 oz)

3.75 chicken, 1/2 avocado(2 oz)

Day 8 Transition:
Weigh in: 151.9  Up 0.5    :(    Clearly did something wrong yesterday...  But I did notice that my new size 6 dress slacks were pretty loose around the waist today.  I was able to pull at them and see a couple of inches.

Bulletproof coffee with raw cocao butter added - 3 fat

Chef Salad with 1 oz turkey, 1 oz ham, half an avocado(2 oz), 1 hard-boiled egg and half an oz of shredded cheese and  1 oz avocado oil italian dressing  - 2 oz protein, 1 egg, 1 fat, 2 oz avocado fat, 0.5 cheese

4oz chicken, 1/2 an avocado, 1 oz cheese and 1 scoop collagen peptides - 4 oz protein, 1 fat, 2 oz avocado fat, 1 cheese

Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

Forgot to take pics today. It was a difficult day emotionally today.  

Day 9 Transition:
Weigh in: 152.7 Up 0.8 ( Dang it! )

Bulletproof Coffee with 1/2 tbsp of - 2.5 fat

Chef Salad with 1 oz turkey, 1 oz ham, half an avocado(2 oz), 1 hard-boiled egg and half an oz of shredded cheese and  1 oz avocado oil italian dressing  - 2 oz protein, 1 egg, 1 fat, 2 oz avocado fat, 0.5 cheese

Hard-boiled Egg - 1 egg,

2 eggs with some seasoning, salt lime juice and red wine vinegar. - 2 eggs

Day 10 Transition:  Last Day!
Weigh in: 152.5 Down 0.2

Bulletproof Coffee with cocao butter and collagen - 2.5 fat


Egg bites - 1 egg, 1/8 cup cottage cheese, 1/16 cup heavy whipping cream

4 oz pulled pork and 2 tbsp of sugar free bbq sauce - 4 oz protein
1 pickled hard-boiled egg - 1 egg

Last Weigh in: 152.3 Down 0.2

Final Results:  Down 2.9 lbs 

Not as good as I had hoped but it was certainly better than the end result after the first one with only 1.2 lbs lost.  So I suppose 2.9 lbs lost in 10 days isn't so bad.  Now the plan is to keep losing and to hope for an average of 0.2 loss per day.  

I would really like to be at 140lbs by July.  

I have also realized that I ned to up my eggs each day.  I may try having 1 egg meal and 1 regular ket meal each day.  I'll see how that works for a while. 

So here I go... Pushing Forward! 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Coolsculpting Results

I wasn't really impressed with the results.  I did two sessions and went back Dec 1 and Jan 6 for after pics but I didn't really see much of a difference that wouldn't have also been accounted for by my 13 lbs weight loss from my second session on Sept 1.  Not exactly sure it was worth the $5000.00.  Oh well.  lesson learned I suppose. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

40by40 Results

Ok,  So I turned 40 on December 17th.  I didn't exactly make my 40lb goal.  In fact with some fluctuation I would say I didn't even make half. I weighed in at exactly 11 lbs down from my starting weight on May 16th.  Well 11 lbs is certainly nothing to turn my nose up so I will be grateful for that.  But I will have to up my game as well. 

On to a NEW PLAN!

Monday, July 3, 2017

40by40 progress and CoolScuptling

So so far I am down 7.6 lbs from my 40by40 goal.  So far so good for 7 weeks. I'm prepping my lunches and dinners pretty religiously and I'm obsessing just enough to stick t it.  So that's good I guess.

Also..  new news.  I decided last minute to spend a lot of money on CoolSculpting.  I needed my bra rolls and my upper flanks to disappear badly.  Nothing I did seemed to be able to handle those areas. Including a massive amount of time on my rowing machine.  So this should help me feel a little better.

Well day one was interesting.  The process was not what I would say is painful, it was more uncomfortable.  This applicator thing attaches to your body but extreme massive suction and then the temperature drops to -11 degrees to freeze and kill those fat cells that it sucked into the applicator.  that was interesting.  it was a little stingy at first till the cold finally numbed everything.  but when the 35 mins was over and the suction had to be released, that's when everything changed.  The tissue was like a frozen brick of tissue that was now just exposed to the warm air so it felt a lot like when you have frozen feet and you step into a hot shower.  painful! but what was really uncomfortable was the solid 2 minute massage the nurse does on the area immediately after suction is released.  not a relaxing massage at all.  quite uncomfortable that you are watching the clock and counting down those 120 seconds to be over.   Once that was done for the 5 areas i had done I wasn't feeling all that bad except the areas done still felt pretty hard and solid but I knew when they defrosted they would calm down and then most likely swell.  They gave me an abdominal binder to wear for comfort the first day if needed.

From here I went home to shower off the sticky mess they use for the applicator to protect your skin and change my clothes to head out camping for the weekend.  By the evening I was feeling REALLY bruised and really sore.  it hurt to be touched by anything.  the car, the side of the camper well when I Was trying to change my clothes and I'm too klutzy to not bump into everything.  and the off roading adventures all weekend to get to and from the lake were a bit challenging.  THANK GOD for the binder.  It really helped.

It wasn't a stop everything and stay in bed kind of pain.  I continues and was able to continue the weekend as if nothing as wrong, it was just very painful like i was covered in bruises from being in a boxing match or something.

By the time I was home Sunday night I was pretty sore.  I pulled out my abdominal binder from my tunny tuck days and used that as well to be able to cover the entire area that was done with the Coolsculpting.  That made laying down and sleeping more comfortable. So I am on day 4 now and hear that by day 10 I should be feeling normal again.

Results won't start being visible till about 4 weeks so I have a long way to go before I see the benefits from the money and pain i've put in to this so far.  Based on reviews and before and after pics that I've seen I should be pretty happy and pleased with the final results that could take up to 4 months to continue to see.  Fingers Crossed!!  I will keep you all updated.

Friday, June 23, 2017

40 By 40

Goals... That's the best way for us to follow through with anything right.  Setting goals for ourselves so we ca turn it into a challenge against ourself?  For anyone who is of a competitive nature, you would understand this well.

Well I need to really be serious about the weight I have gained in the past 6 months as well and lose a bit more.  Soooo.  This is my goal for myself.  On May 16, 12017 I set a goal of losing 40 lbs by my 40th birthday.  That would be about 7 months time and I think that would be definitely doable if I stick to it and stay strict on myself.

So here are some picture I took on 5/16/17:

As of today I am officially 7.4 lbs down and closer to my goal.  So 32.6 left to go.

These are pictures taken over this past week:

I've got some more work to do in my waste, back and arms.  There will always be work that needs to be done in my bitt and thighs so that will just be forever a challenge.

For today I will focus on the fact that I am -7.4 from May 16, 2017.


Friday, April 21, 2017

What I Ate was Simply Filling 2

Here we go with what I ate week 2 on Simply Filling.  I started to get creative while also enjoy some favorites.

Red Lobster - Lobster Dinner with a baked potato (I counted 5 WPA for a cheddar bay biscuit and I skipped the butter and melted butter and used the tbsp of sour cream on the potato with some A1 sauce.  Counted 4 WPA)

Shrimp tacos with Schwan's garlic herb shrimp for 1 WPA and corn tortillas and salsa verde

Schwan's frozen cherries and fat free cool whip

Reduced calorie wheat toast with 1/2 tbsp of unsweetened pumpkin butter

French toast with reduced calorie bread, fat free reddi whip and sugar free syrup.  scrambled eggs and air fried diced potatoes.

Quinoa pasta, grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli with 1 tsp of pesto oil, 1 tsp garlic oil and some wildtree seasonings.

Quesadilla with white corn tortillas, fat free cheese and salsa verde

Friday, April 14, 2017

What I Ate was Simply Filling 1

This was my first full week sticking strictly to Simply Filling and I suppose we can say this was a success.

So this past week I made a few fun things and had some delicious Simply Filling meals.  I am pretty much loving this Simply Filling Plan and am incredibly surprised with how well this actually works. Who knew there would be away to eat as much as you want without tracking and still loose weight.

1.  This Italian Fish Stews was amazing!!!  It basically is just sliced fingerling potatoes, capers, diced fish, canned tomatoes and garlic and shallots.  It was DELICIOUS!!!

2.  Air Fried French Fries!  I love love my NuWave Air Fryer

3.  My lunch one day at work was low calorie wheat bread, fat free sliced turkey, hard boiled eggs, cantaloupe and carrots. 

4.  Baked potato, fat free cheese, fat free sour cream, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray

5.  Brown Rice, Scrambled Eggs and steamed broccoli with some ICBINB spray butter.  This was really a favorite of mine and I go home and make this for lunch now.  Very filling. 

6.  Nachos! Air fried white corn tortilla chips, fat free shredded cheese, fat free sour cream and green tobasco sauce.  Yum! 

7.  Brown rice, grilled chicken breast, corn, salsa verde, low calorie wheat bread with ICBINB spray butter.  

8.  Hard boiled eggs, petite pickles, unsweetened apple sauce, light yogurt

9.  Whole wheat pasta, ICBINB spray butter, Schwan's Garlic Shrimp, 1 TBSP grated Parmesan cheese, low calorie toast with spray butter. 

Let me talk for a minute about the shrimp.  So I LOVE Schwan's and buy often from their LiveSmart items.  This shrimp is AMAZING and half of the bag is only 1 SmartPoint.  1!!!  Can you believe that!  Stock up on this!!! 

10.  Air Fried diced potatoes, scrambled eggs and low calorie  toast with sugar free gram jam.

11.  Egg-Roll . White corn tortilla, fat free mozzarella and cheddar cheese, and one fried egg using cooking spray. 

Out of all of these meals there were only 2 Smart Points used.  Of course I had a couple of random snacks or meals here and there that used a few but these are just some that I took pictures of.  

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Starting over with a bang!

So I let my self get wayyyyyyyyy to comfortable and now I have some serious damage control to take care of.  So I decided I would jump back on track with the Simply Filling Plan.  I have to tell you.  I am freaking LOVING this!!!  I played around with it, re-adjusting myself, over the past couple of weeks and have been back on seriously since Sunday.  Since Sunday, as of today I am down 5 lbs even.  Talk about dropping some water and weight to get you motivated and inspiring you.  That should keep me going.

So I'm going to be trying out something new.  I will be posting once a week about some random meals I had that week that were simply filling or mostly simply filling.  This should help me keep excited about it like in the past.  My goal is to lose.... well lets just start with my first goal.  My first goal is 20lbs.  Baby steps right?  Hahaha.

We will call these posts "What I Ate".  I've noticed that as long as I am going over the top on this, obsessing and staying crazy excited about it then I keep on track really well and lose weight at a very steady pace.  So I need to do that again.  :)

See you all soon with some Simply Filling Food Porn!  LOL

Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Sunday Brunch

So it's Sunday and to me that means having a delicious breakfast/brunch.  So the task of coming up with the perfect meal began early.  Something yummy, something filling and something worth spending the points on.

A few days ago someone from work gave me three home raised quail eggs and I have been trying to decide how to prepare them and use them.  So this morning I decided, Fried quail eggs, mini blueberry pancakes, potatoes o'brien and a banana.  

Such a fantastic meal for only 12 Smart Points.  I felt like i was really pampering myself today.  

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lemon Chicken in the Freezer Section

I found this gem at the grocery store today and I was craving Chinese Food so I figured I should give it a try.  

This is only 8 SmartPoints per serving. I added 1/2 cup of brown rice and had a delicious 11 SmartPoints Lunch.  

The flavor is bursting with tart lemony flavor which I love.  I am very pleased with this and I am set for lunch tomorrow too.  I will be getting this again. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Ice Cream Sandwhich

Another Pinterest find!!!!  I love these great ideas on Pinterest.  This one is Weight Watchers Ice Cream Sandwiches.

2 SP   1 Graham Cracker Sheet
1 SP   2 tbsp of Frozen Lite Cool Whip

3 Total SmartPoints

It was actually quite satisfying for that ice cream fix I needed tonight.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Salmon Burger w/ homemade sauce

I am a huge fan of Blue Apron meals and my all time favorite recipe of theirs so far is their Salmon Burger.  I decided to attempt a mock up of it with my Schwan's Salmon Burgers that I had in my freezer.  Wow!!  So good.  The sauce was a quick throw together sauce I came up with last minute and it was amazing.  

2 SP   1 Schwan's Salmon Burger
3 SP   1 Lite Hamburger Bun
My Salmon Burger Sauce:
1 SP   1 tbsp Lite Sour Cream
0 SP   Splash of fresh lemon juice
0 SP   Pinch of lemon zest
0 SP   1/2 tsp minced onion or shallot
0 SP   salt and pepper to taste
0 SP   Pinch of Wildtree Picnic Salad Blend
6 Total SmartPoints

The meal below was my salmon burger served with a kale veggie mix and a quick and easy pesto tortellini salad.

3 SP   1/2 Cup Schwan's Six Cheese Tortellini, prepared and rinsed under cold water
1 SP   1/2  tsp Wildtree Pesto Grapeseed Oil
0 SP   1/2 tsp Dry Pesto Mix
0 SP   1/2 tbsp Grated Parmesan Cheese
Total 4 SmartPoints

Mason Jar Salad

I decided to jump on the bandwagon with the Mason Jar meals and give a salad a shot. I was not disappointed. It was really as fresh as they said it would be.  I loved it. 

Mason Jar Salad

1 SP   2 TBSP Fat Free Zesty Italian Dressing
3 SP   1/2 Cup Garbanzo Beans
0 SP   1/4 Cup Pepperoncini
2 SP   1 Hardboiled Egg
2 SP   2 TBSP shredded Cheddar Cheese
0 SP   1 Cup romaine Lettuce

8 Smart Points Total